Monastery News

On Thursday, March 23rd a beautiful new icon of St. Panteleimon with scenes of his life arrived safely at the Hermitage just before Great Compline. The brotherhood greeted St. Panteleimon with the ringing of bells and incense, thereafter processing to the church where Igumen Andrew with the brotherhood performed the rite of the blessing of the icon. They sang the magnification to St. Panteleimon while venerating the icon and were all anointed with the holy oil of St. Panteleimon.
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The newsletter for Great Lent of 2017 is now being printed and mailed, and is also now available online.
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After more than three years of waiting, the new candle factory was finally blessed following Divine Liturgy on the Feast of St. Xenia.
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Beginning Tuesday, January 24th, the Hermitage will be beginning a new liturgical schedule with the blessing of Metropolitan Hilarion. Matins will now be served each morning rather than in the evenings, and the Hours will now be read throughout the day at approximately the appointed times.
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On the Feast of the Holy Innocents, the second hierodeacon of Holy Cross, Fr. Paisios, was ordained to the holy priesthood and Fr. Macarius was ordained to the diaconate.
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