Monastery Livestreaming All Services Throughout Coronavirus Epidemic

Update: since the pandemic has passed, we are now streaming only some of our church services. Please visit our dedicated livestream page for the current schedule.
In order to console and nourish the faithful who are quarantined, Archimandrite Seraphim has blessed for the monastery church services to be livestreamed for the duration of this crisis. While viewing the services over the internet is certainly less than ideal, nevertheless it is the only way that many of the faithful now have to participate in divine worship. We wish to make our life of prayer for the world, which will continue unabated, available to those confined to their homes or who are otherwise unable to worship in their parish temple during this trying time.
Please feel free to share these links, as well as the schedule below, with anyone who might benefit from this ministry.
Since we are not currently receiving pilgrims or visitors, our income from donations and purchases in our gift shop will very likely be reduced. If you are able, please consider donating in order to help us continue our ministry of prayer for the sick, the suffering, and all the world.
This has meant so much to me during the Pandemic and beyond I attend Jordanville Holy Trinity Monastery, but hile they were closed it was so wonderful to e able to come here and take part n the services. I have chronic pain and oher issues and it Is hard anyway, Plus only speak in English so you can understand how nice it is to listen to this in English. We are glad Jordanville has opened up once more, but this till is such a help for me to know that I can come here although not exactly the same, and need communion, and the one on one, needed, But just cannot say how much it means to not feel totally alone and abandoned. I know other churches would have services if they could but thank God you can somehow maybe work it out together.
Bless you for your online services . Please pray for my health . Thank you
Thank you for streaming. You were my church family for Holy week.
Was hoping to find out which day you will have services for the Nativity, and what time. Or days…
Every night at my dinner time, I am with you. I am in Wichita, KS, and an antique, so am isolating most of the time.
Thank you for this wonderful, amazing blessing.
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