Monastery News

For the past month or so, our abbot Archimandrite Seraphim has been experiencing certain symptoms: loss of peripheral vision, some lack of coordination etc. On Friday, March 14th he visited his ophthalmologist to have his vision checked; the doctor suspected...
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The general schedule of liturgical services for Great Lent is now available.
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By the grace of God, in the past year we have gotten significantly closer to completing the new church. In particular, the new trapeza (monastic dining hall) and kitchen on the lower level are nearly finished, with the plumbers and electricians installing the commercial kitchen equipment at the time of this writing.

The Lenten Spring is once again upon us, and with it the promise of renewal. In the dead of winter, the vibrance and vitality of spring seem impossibly far off. And yet underneath its frozen surface, the earth stirs and strives irresistibly toward its yearly resurrection.

You may now submit the names of departed Orthodox Christian whom you wish the monks to commemorate daily during Great Lent at the many pannykhidas, litias, and Divine Liturgies.
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