Monastery News

I extend my heartfelt greetings to my eminent brother Archpastors, beloved in the Lord reverend fathers, brothers, and sisters, on this most radiant of feasts, the Resurrection of Christ from the dead!

On March 14/27, the feast-day of the father of western monasticism, St. Benedict of Nursia, four riassophore-monks (the intermediate stage of monasticism in the Orthodox church) took their monastic vows and were tonsured to the small schema as full monks by Bishop George.
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The people of Appalachia, with whom we at the monastery share a home in West Virginia, are a people who have been Protestant for many generations past. Though they aren’t Orthodox, and though many of their ancestors in America may never have been exposed to the Orthodox Church, they are people who, in their own way, hold a deep faith in God and have preserved many traditions that hearken back to ages past.