Monastery News

St. Paul assured his flock that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God (Acts 14:22). And like so many others in these trying times, we have had our share of tribulations in the preceding months.
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UPDATE: as of Thursday, August 12, Archimandrite Seraphim, Fr. Benedict, and Fr. Damascene have all been released from the hospital and are recovering at home. Altogether 20 of our 26 community members have fallen ill with the coronavirus, but thanks be to God and to St. Panteleimon everyone is either stable or recovering.
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Please note that due to this outbreak of the virus, Fr. Seraphim has decided to close the monastery to visitors through the end of August.
Because we are very shorthanded, orders are being fulfilled more slowly than normal. Please allow us at least a few additional days to get your orders shipped.

In consultation with our monastery physician, Archimandrite Seraphim has decreed effectively immediately that all masking and social distancing requirements have been lifted at Holy Cross Monastery for our pilgrims and visitors (regardless of vaccination status). We now only ask that anyone who is having symptoms or who has been exposed to someone with symptoms in the past two weeks refrain from visiting.
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CHRIST IS RISEN! In these words, we confess the unshakeable faith in Him, at Whose Cross we stood on Holy Friday and for Whom we mourned along with His disciples and the myrrh-bearing women when praying before the Shroud.