Monastery News

New Apiary Website
We happily announce the launch of our new monastery apiary website, Our new dynamic website offers more information about beekeeping at our monastery, about our honey bees and other apiary products for sale, practical tips about beekeeping, beautiful photos from around the monastery, and information about how you can join us in supporting families and beekeepers in our rural Appalachian community.
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COVID-tide at Holy Cross
Starting in mid-March, on the advice of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, the monastery stopped receiving all outside visitors in response to the worldwide outbreak of COVID-19. During the three months that have ensued, the stay-at-home orders issued by various state and local governments have affected the daily lives of almost everyone in the country.
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Paschal Epistle of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad (2020)
With the joy of God’s Kingdom, as we are "divinely glad, for Christ is risen" (from the Paschal Canon), I offer my Paschal greeting to all: both to those who have successfully completed the reclusion of their quarantine, celebrating now in the churches and communing of Christ’s Holy Mysteries; and also to those who yet abide in the desert of solitude and various restrictions, dedicating the better portion of their time to private prayer, spiritually beneficial reading, and interaction with loved ones. May the former and the latter both, in the words of St. John Chrysostom, "honor the day," receiving in their hearts the riches of God’s goodness!
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Monastery Livestreaming All Services Throughout Coronavirus Epidemic
In order to console and nourish the faithful who are quarantined, Archimandrite Seraphim has blessed for the monastery church services to be livestreamed for the duration of this crisis. While viewing the services over the internet is certainly less than ideal, nevertheless it is the only way that many of the faithful now have to participate in divine worship. We wish to make our life of prayer for the world, which will continue unabated, available to those confined to their homes or who are otherwise unable to worship in their parish temple during this trying time.
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