Monastery News

COVID Restrictions Lifted at Holy Cross
In consultation with our monastery physician, Archimandrite Seraphim has decreed effectively immediately that all masking and social distancing requirements have been lifted at Holy Cross Monastery for our pilgrims and visitors (regardless of vaccination status). We now only ask that anyone who is having symptoms or who has been exposed to someone with symptoms in the past two weeks refrain from visiting.
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Brotherhood Serves Special Moleben with Procession to Overcome Obstacles in Church Construction
Ever since we resumed work on the new church in March, progress has been extremely slow with various difficulties and complications arising on a regular basis. Therefore under the direction of our abbot, Archimandrite Seraphim, we resolved to serve this morning a special Moleben with a Cross Procession, beseeching the help of God, the Theotokos, St. Panteleimon and all the saints for this most important and God-pleasing endeavor.
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