Monastery News

By the grace of God, in the past year we have gotten significantly closer to completing the new church. In particular, the new trapeza (monastic dining hall) and kitchen on the lower level are nearly finished, with the plumbers and electricians installing the commercial kitchen equipment at the time of this writing.

With the help of God, the construction of the new monastery temple has continued to move along very well. Despite many delays, the beautiful green metal roofing is now nearly complete along the flat portions, with the metal shingling for the two domes slated to be installed next.
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By God’s grace, the construction of our new monastery church has continued to go extremely well. Since our last newsletter, we have finished installing the beautiful Douglas fir timber ceilings (on both the main church as well as the porch), plastered and painted the exterior walls of the church, installed the windows as well as a number of bells in the bell-tower, and lastly, built and erected both of the domes.
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Last month, we shared the story of the cornerstone blessing for our new church that took place in May.
Now we have turned the story into a beautiful short film. It's the first in a new series of videos promoting our church construction effort. We hope you find it edifying and inspiring. If you do, please share it widely!

Abbot Seraphim recently sat down with the designer of our new church, Andrew Gould, for a conversation about the spiritual significance of the church's architecture-- especially for us modern Americans living in a world increasingly characterized by superficiality.
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