Monastery News
It has now been several months since we announced the halt of construction on the new church due to discovery of financial malfeasance by our contractor. We have spent these months working closely and coordinating with our attorneys, with various contracting and engineering firms, as well as with the church designer Andrew Gould, and we are finally ready to share an update on everything as well as the current outlook for continuation of the work.
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We regret to report that construction on the new church has been brought to a halt. In mid-July, we discovered that our general contractor had not been paying his subcontractors. After attempts to resolve the issues in good faith failed, we reluctantly decided to terminate the contract. We have retained legal counsel and are currently in the process of identifying and paying all debts owed to subcontractors and suppliers. This is a necessary step to move forward. We are also searching for a new general contractor to take over the job.
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Ariane Montemuro, host of the St. Matrona Podcast, recently released a new interview with Andrew Gould, the architect of the monastery's new church. Andrew discusses the beautiful shrines he constructed for the monastery chapel a few years ago, as well as the philosophy behind his design for the new church.
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Glory be to God, thanks to His mercy and the prayers of the saints over the past week we have started to see substantial progress on the construction of the church walls. Please pray that this continues speedily and without hindrance if such be the will of God!
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Ever since we resumed work on the new church in March, progress has been extremely slow with various difficulties and complications arising on a regular basis. Therefore under the direction of our abbot, Archimandrite Seraphim, we resolved to serve this morning a special Moleben with a Cross Procession, beseeching the help of God, the Theotokos, St. Panteleimon and all the saints for this most important and God-pleasing endeavor.
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