Monastery News

On Saturday the 8th and Sunday the 9th of August, the brethren of Holy Cross Monastery in Wayne, WV, along with His Grace Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan and a multitude of pilgrims, celebrated the feast day of their monastery’s heavenly patron, the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon.
Schemamonk John, who had been afflicted with cancer and who had returned the Hermitage several weeks earlier, peacefully went to the Lord at 11:50pm on Sunday night of the Feast of St. Panteleimon.

The people of Appalachia, with whom we at the monastery share a home in West Virginia, are a people who have been Protestant for many generations past. Though they aren’t Orthodox, and though many of their ancestors in America may never have been exposed to the Orthodox Church, they are people who, in their own way, hold a deep faith in God and have preserved many traditions that hearken back to ages past.