Monastery News
Dear in the Lord Brothers & Sisters!
On the threshold of Great Lent, this salvific time of augmented prayer and self-correction, and in connection with events unfolding in the Ukrainian land, I turn to all with a heartfelt plea: refraining from excesses in watching television, following newspapers and the internet...
CHRIST IS RISEN! In these words, we confess the unshakeable faith in Him, at Whose Cross we stood on Holy Friday and for Whom we mourned along with His disciples and the myrrh-bearing women when praying before the Shroud.
The blessed and all-joyful night of the radiant Resurrection of Christ has come again, eminent Brother-Archpastors, venerable fathers, beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord!
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With the joy of God’s Kingdom, as we are "divinely glad, for Christ is risen" (from the Paschal Canon), I offer my Paschal greeting to all: both to those who have successfully completed the reclusion of their quarantine, celebrating now in the churches and communing of Christ’s Holy Mysteries; and also to those who yet abide in the desert of solitude and various restrictions, dedicating the better portion of their time to private prayer, spiritually beneficial reading, and interaction with loved ones. May the former and the latter both, in the words of St. John Chrysostom, "honor the day," receiving in their hearts the riches of God’s goodness!
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By the grace of the All-Merciful God, we have been vouchsafed to arrive at the radiant Paschal night, and once again rejoice in the glorious Resurrection of Christ. I sincerely greet all of you, my dear ones, with this great feast and "festival of festivals."
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