The New St. Ignatius Bakery

Our bakery is finally up and running full blast, getting dozens of warm, fresh, golden kulichi ready for the Paschal festivities. It is the last room to be completed in the new St. Herman of Alaska building, which also houses the spacious candle factory and comfy community room, where the brothers meet for spiritual talks and fellowship. The new bakery is dedicated to one of our favorite early bishops, Saint Ignatius of Antioch, the God-bearer, who, in his own words, desired to become “God’s wheat”, to be ground into pure bread, referring to his heroic martyrdom.
With the blessing of St. Herman and St. Ignatius, we anticipate that this bakery will enable us more efficiently, and prayerfully, to provide quality baked goods for the faithful and the brotherhood.
View the video of the blessing of the new bakery:
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