Tonsure of Monk Basil

On Friday evening, June 29th, we concluded our celebration of the Vigil for St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco, and prepared for the tonsure of Riassophore-monk Justin to the Mantia and his taking of final vows. The tonsure service began with Fr. Justin being brought in by the other monks, clothed in a white baptismal robe. After making several prostrations he stood before Archimandrite Seraphim, who proceeded to question and instruct him regarding the vows. After this and the cruciform cutting of his hair, Fr. Justin was given the new name Basil and clothed in the full monastic habit.
Fr. Basil has embarked upon the difficult and rewarding labor of a life entirely committed to the service and will of God. Pray for him and for us as we run the race with him.
“I have fought the good fight. I have finished my course. I have kept the faith.” —2 Timothy 4:7 (KJV)
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