Monastery News

Pilgrimage Weekend 2018
On Thursday, September 27th, the brotherhood of Holy Cross Monastery in Wayne, WV celebrated their patronal feast, the Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.
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Landslide Repairs Update
Dear Friends of Holy Cross Monastery,

Recently we shared news concerning the two serious landslides which occurred on the monastery grounds during Holy Week, and requested financial assistance to fund the necessary repairs.
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Feast of St. Panteleimon & New Ordinations

On August 9th the brotherhood of the Hermitage of the Holy Cross in Wayne, WV held their annual celebration of the feast of St. Panteleimon, the patron and protector of the monastery. His Grace Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan presided over the festal services, with monastic and local clergy concelebrating.

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Fundraising for Urgent Landslide Repairs
During Holy Week, not one but two serious landslides developed on the Hermitage property: one immediately underneath the guesthouse, and another on the main road across from St. John's House. This latter slide threatens not only the entrance road itself, but also all of the monastery utility lines. The diameter of this slide is approximately 180 feet.
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