Fiery Zealots for the Faith - Panegyric for the Feast of the Holy Apostles Peter & Paul (2024)

The names of the Holy Glorious Pre-eminent Apostles Peter and Paul are sweet food to the tongue which utters them. This food is most nourishing for the heart. Through their names we remember their persons. Through their persons our hearts are impressed upon by their lives, deeds, and words. Not only this, but by their names we are able to impress upon their hearts our needs and petitions, if we invoke them with humility, faith, fervency, and honesty. Let us first remember them that we may move our hearts to call upon them and move their hearts towards us.
Peter, simple fisherman. Paul, learned tentmaker. Peter, chosen intimate of the Lord during His days on this earth. Paul, chosen vessel of the Lord Who appeared to Him from heaven. Peter became a rock. Paul became a precious vessel. Peter’s confession of the Faith in Jesus as the Jew’s Messiah establishes the Church. Paul broadens its borders by revealing Christ to the Gentiles as Him in Whom we live, move, and have our being.
Peter, fiery zealot. Paul, likewise. Peter learned to temper his zeal with knowledge. Paul learned to direct it from dead letters to the Living Word. Peter, humbled by his fall thus rises seven-fold strong. Paul, humbled by the fiery manifestation of Christ became a tireless instructor of all. Peter denied Christ. Paul persecuted Him. Peter was pierced by the sorrowful compassion of the divine-human glance of Christ. Paul was pierced by the divine glory of the Son Who shown from heaven in the glory of His Father.
Peter’s eyes were opened when he saw Christ. Paul’s eyes were closed in blindness. Peter closed his eyes in fervent repentance. Paul opened his by faith. Peter wept bitterly. Paul submitted to Christ. Peter repented with hope in mercy. Paul repented, scales falling from his eyes. Peter was established by the Resurrected Christ. Paul was converted by the Ascended Christ.
Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. Paul was filled with the same fullness of Him afterwards. Peter, possessing a tongue as of fire first preached in Jerusalem and then in all the world. Paul, beholding the fiery glory of Christ preached everywhere to both Jews and Gentiles. Peter received on Pentecost the Spirit Who with the Father and the Son transcends all the heavens. Paul, whether in the body or not, ascended to the third heaven, hearing unspeakable words from Him Who transcends it.
We marvel at Peter. We are amazed by Paul. But Peter’s zeal without knowledge and denial of Christ in weakness are more familiar to us. And Paul’s thorn in the flesh is closer to our hearts. Peter confessed love for Christ three times. Paul prayed to Christ for deliverance three times. Peter was strengthened by grace. Paul took heart in the sufficiency of grace amidst his weakness.
Peter’s repentance saves us from the despair of Judas. Paul’s conversion from a blaspheming, persecuting, and insolent man saves us from the same. Peter marvelously reveals that we can become partakers of the divine nature. Paul boldly calls us to imitate him even as he imitates Christ.
Peter as a rock firmly establishes the Church. Paul as a tender father holds within his heart the care of all the churches and all the world. Peter confesses Jesus to be the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Paul, by the Holy Spirit, confesses Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.
Peter beheld the Transfiguration of Christ. Paul exhorts us to be transfigured by the renewal of our minds and hearts. Peter tells of Christ descending into Hades and witnessed His Ascension. Paul explains that we should not look for Christ above or below, but within our own hearts.
Peter was among the first-called Apostles of Christ. Paul, a late-comer, deemed himself least of the Apostles, unworthy to be called such. Peter fled and did not behold the Crucifixion of his Master. Paul, not seeing it either, strove to know and speak of nothing save Christ and Him crucified. Peter glorifies Christ and His Cross as an example for us sinners. Paul theologizes of the same, extolling the self-emptying of Him Who shares the form and essence of God the Father.
Peter is glorious because of his faith. Paul is known for his praising of love. Peter inspired Mark the Gospel-writer. Paul had as companion Luke, Evangelist and recorder of the Apostles’ Acts.
Peter was crucified upside-down. Paul was beheaded. Peter thought himself unworthy to die in the same manner as Christ. Paul gladly offered his head to the Head of the Church. Peter continues preaching. Paul fails not to be heard.
Peter and Paul, sweetness on the tongue. Peter and Paul, light in the mind. Peter and Paul, rejuvenation of the heart. Peter and Paul, embodiment of the Faith. Peter and Paul, primal beauty of the Church. Peter and Paul, sweetness of simple evangelical piety. Peter and Paul, renewal of our first love. Peter and Paul, undying memorials of the purity of our Faith. Peter and Paul, pristine leaders and fathers of all Christians.
Peter, run now to help us even as once you ran to the empty tomb of Christ. Paul, continue to fill up the afflictions of Christ by bearing with us, for Christ ordained you to suffer for His name’s sake. Peter, teach us to see and be seen by Christ when we sin. Paul, lead us gradually to the divine vision of Him lest we be tormented by it when He is fully revealed to all at His Second Coming. Peter, unfold to us the sweetness, compassion, and sorrow of that glance of Christ which once pierced your heart. Paul, initiate us into love that we may know Love Himself as both Fire and Light. Peter, ever intercede with Christ that He might ever behold us sinners as He did you. Paul, ever pray to Christ that He might purify and enlighten us.
Peter and Paul, you behold and live with the same Christ forever. Grant us to do the same. Pray that we might repent with all our hearts. Pray that we might be afflicted with that sweet piercing glance of Christ all our lives. Engrave upon our hearts the awareness of the All-Seeing God. Move our hearts to comprehend the Omnipresent God. Draw us to know God Who dwells within our hearts.
Peter and Paul, help us to turn every breath and moment into an encounter with the Holy Spirit Whose temple we are. Lead us to constantly call out to Christ without Whom we can do nothing, He Who is not ashamed to call us His brethren. Instill within us reverent fear of, love, and child-like affection for the God and Father of all, that we may ever call to Him in simplicity.
Peter and Paul, teach us to know the divinity of Christ through ever depicting His humanity in our hearts. Lead us to the knowledge of the Trinity through the Person of Christ. Unfold to us the mystery of the Church, which is the very Body and Fulness of Christ. Help us to be true Christians in deed and word. Ever remind us that we are temples of and indwelt by God Himself.
Peter and Paul, visit here and now all of us who are gathered together to celebrate you and worship your God and Savior. Attend to us as both kindly fathers and cherishing nurses. Share our burdens. Relieve our perplexities. Dispel our confusion. Gather our senses. Make still our thoughts. Recollect our minds. Open our hearts. Reveal to us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
Peter and Paul, help us to repent. Help us to courageously turn from the vomit of our sins. Help us to hate sin with all our heart. Help us to fight against passionate pleasures that we might not be deprived of the true bliss of the spiritual pleasure of Grace Himself Who desires to overfill us with His joy and peace. Help us to not turn to sin when afflicted with pains and sorrows, but rather to Christ Who suffered more than all.
Peter and Paul, teach us how to pray. Grant words to our minds that we might be directed in the Way of Life despite the diverse confusing winds of the unceasing evil suggestions of the enemy of God and man. Grant strength to our hearts that we might stand upon the rock of faith. Grant knowledge to our hearts that we might stand upon the rock of Christ’s commandments. Grant love to our hearts that we might ever cling to Christ our Rock in full trust and unbroken devotion. Grant prayer to our hearts that we might ever breathe the sweetest name of Jesus.
O Holy Glorious, All-Praised, and Pre-eminent Apostles Peter and Paul, together with the Most Holy Mother of God, all the Angelic Powers, the Holy Prophet and Forerunner and Baptist John, all the other Holy Apostles, and all the Saints: always hear us, ever remember us, never cease to pray for us, and fervently intercede with Christ for us, that we may all come into the unity of the Faith, growing into one perfect man, ever living in the grace and love of the Holy Trinity, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, to Whom are all glory, honor, and worship now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
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