Sermons & Homilies
All that is good in the world is imbued with power from the Holy Spirit, and this is significantly true of images, the greatest of which is the Cross of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
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It is up to us to preserve our wedding garment spotless for the feast. The chosen few mentioned by the Lord are in a sense chosen of themselves.
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Let us all overlook petty and earthly things that we may not lose the most priceless heavenly treasure of Christ God Himself, Who is Love and Affection within our hearts.
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What I undertake, St. John says, is to prove that no one of those who are wronged is wronged by another, but experiences this injury at his own hands.
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During the Dormition Lent we deprived ourselves of certain foods, we starve our physical senses and nourish our spiritual senses so that we may more readily comprehend and enter into the Feast of the Dormition.
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