Sermons & Homilies

Sermon for the Ascension 2017
The Apostles stand gazing into heaven upon the ascending Christ until He is no longer visible to the physical eyes; but the mind and heart of the Apostles is fully transfixed in an immaterial vision upon Him as He ascends beyond the earth, beyond the whole physical universe, and beyond all the ranks of heavenly angels, sitting down upon His divine throne with our human nature.
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Sermon for Palm Sunday 2017
Today is the triumphant entry of God our King into His rightful city, Jerusalem; today, is the prelude of that great hymn which will burst forth from the empty tomb of the Lord on Pascha night, filling all creation with light, glory and joy!
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Sermon for Theophany 2017

Yesterday, Christ was born; today, He is baptized. Yesterday, God immersed Himself in our flesh; today, our flesh is immersed in the Most Holy Trinity. Yesterday, the Timeless Son of the Virgin-Father was begotten in time of the Virgin-Mother; today He gives birth to us as sons of God forever.

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Sermon for the Transfiguration (2016)
"On this day we celebrate an event in which, roughly 2000 years ago, two suns shone upon a mountain top in Palestine. The first sun was the created sun, part of the majesty of God’s created world. And the second sun was the noetic sun, the illumined Son of God, the Uncreated Light, the Son which was God, and which was with God before all things were made. This was the Light of Christ, piercing the darkness of the fallen world."
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Sermon for Ascension (2016)
As the cycle of the Paschal season draws to a close, we arrive once again at the Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord. Not only does this day mark Christ’s last day of His physical presence on Earth, but it marks the fulfillment of all things in Christ’s Earthly mission.
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