Sermons & Homilies

Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace, goodwill toward men. This was the hymn the hosts of Angels sang on the very first Christmas over 2,000 years ago and we sing this every Matins and the clergy say this quietly before every liturgy. Peace, goodwill toward men. This is what the world so desperately needs and this is what perhaps of all the fasting seasons we feel most deprived of.
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We have just finished the super-abundant festivities of Bright Week, where every day is Pascha and now, while it is still Paschatide for another month, we turn the dial down a little bit. Thomas Sunday is a good time to reflect on the nature of faith and doubt because all of us at one point or another in our life will run up against doubts.
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All of us are born into this world with a deep and insatiable longing for Paradise. Perhaps we are not even aware of it. Most of us bury it beneath the mire of our passions; we try to satisfy this pure and holy desire with the trinkets and amusements of this fallen world. We become as ships tossed to and fro, as wanderers amid the wasteland of this life, consumed by a gnawing hunger for we know not what. But no matter how we might try to slake our endless, unquenchable desire, we all — like the Prodigal Sons that we are — always end up finding ourselves enslaved to our passions, perishing with hunger, and very, very far away from home.

My brothers and sisters, we have reached today the threshold of Great Lent; tomorrow the “gates of repentance” will once again be opened to us, in answer to our solemn prayers during the Sunday Matins services of the past month....
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My brothers and sisters, we have just heard one of the most important Gospel parables which the Lord ever spoke. At the heart of the Christian religion is forgiveness — and how our hearts yearn for such forgiveness! For who among us does not know — at least somewhere in the depths of our heart — that we too owe just such an immeasurable debt as did the servant in today’s Gospel? Who among us does not feel — at least from time to time — the same sense of complete desperation, the sense that it is utterly beyond our power to set aright all the countless mistakes we have made in our lives, to mend all that we have broken, to heal all the harm that we have done? Who among us does not realize — at least in moments of honest sobriety — that there is nothing left for us to do than to fall down before God and beg for mercy?
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