Sermons & Homilies

Sermon on the Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt 2017

Given at Christ the Savior Orthodox Church in Wayne, WV after Pan-Orthodox Vespers.

What was it that made St. Mary different from us? What made her into such a wondrous saint? And as we look back on our Lenten struggle, and as we look forward to Holy Week and Pascha, what is there left for us to do?

What did St. Mary say herself about her life of repentance in the desert?

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Sermon for the Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt (2017)

Given at the Hermitage of the Holy Cross during the Sunday Liturgy.

On this Fifth Sunday of Lent, we commemorate St. Mary of Egypt. We have become acquainted with her throughout the whole of Lent. We first chanted about her works in the first week of Lent during Compline when we chanted the Great Canon. We next heard of her life only a few days ago when the Great Canon was chanted in its entirety during Matins this past Wednesday. Today, as we come toward the end of this time of Lent and repentance, we reach the summit of our awareness of St. Mary on this Sunday dedicated to her commemoration.

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Sermon for the Sunday of St. John Climacus 2017
In the icon of the Ladder of Divine Ascent, we only see the image of Christ at the very top, upon the last step (of love); but, this does not mean that Christ is not with us at every step. It is true that we only see the “light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” in its full, unmediated vision, at the height of the ladder’s summit: divine love and union with God—that is, only after we have struggled long and hard, co-operating with God, and His grace has freed us from sin and passion; and He has made to grow within us the fullness of His love, making us to see Him within us in the fullness of His glory.
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Sermon for the Feast of the Optina Elders (2016)
The Optina Elders are dear to us not only because they were (and continue to be!) a light for monastics and lay people alike, both in Russia and around the world, and who were so near to our own time – the very spiritual heart of Russia, right up until the revolution. It is not only for this reason that the Optina Elders are dear to us, but the Optina Elders are dear to us because they were dear to the hear of our founder, Hieromonk Kallistos. In founding his new monastery, this monastery – the Hermitage of the Holy Cross,  Fr. Kallistos made a conscious effort to base the spiritual life of his monastery on the lives, the spirituality, and the monastic spirit of the Optina Elders.
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Sermon for the Beheading of the Forerunner (2016)
Today we commemorate the death of one of the greatest Saints in the Church. We in the Church do not shy away from death as the world does but see it as the entrance from life into true and everlasting life.  For us still here in the world the death of the righteous reveals to us many spiritual truths to aid us on the path of salvation.
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