Sermons & Homilies
Today is one of the most glorious and awesome days of the entire Church year: the Theophany of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ. Today Christ — “born secretly in a cave” on the Nativity — now reveals Himself...
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Today’s Feast can only be truly honored by silent wonder. We see the Lord God, clothed in our human nature, ascending beyond the heavens, and seating us in Himself upon the pre-eternal throne which He never left and forever shares with the Father and the Spirit.
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Christ is risen! My brothers and sisters, what a blessed and glorious thing is the gift of light! At the beginning of the creation of the world, the very first words spoken by the Lord God were precisely: “Let there...
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My brothers and sisters, today we have already reached the final Sunday of Great Lent. In only a few short days, we will once again see Christ resurrecting Lazarus the Four Days Dead; we will once again follow Him as He makes His Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday; we will once again become witnesses to the great and fearsome events of Holy Week; and finally, we will once again share together in the incomparable joy and exultation of Pascha night. But today, on this last Sunday of the Fast, the Holy Church sets before our eyes that which is the spiritual crown of the entire Lenten season: the life of our Holy Mother Mary of Egypt.
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So let us always remember that for us too, our resurrection — both bodily and spiritual — is not given to us for our own sake, but for the sake of those around us: those who love us, those who pray for us, and even for the sake of those who hate us and do us wrong. Above all, our resurrection is given to us for the sake of our own mother, the Holy Church of Christ, so that we can truly become Her faithful children.