23rd Anniversary of Fr. Kallistos' Repose & Blessing of Monastic Cemetery

On Wednesday, November 11 / October 29, the feast of the Virgin-martyr Anastasia of Rome, a pannykhida was served in the monastery church for the repose of Hieromonk Kallistos (Pazalos), the founder of the Hermitage of the Holy Cross, on the 23rd anniversary of his repose. The chanting of: “Give rest, O God, to Thy servant and commit him to Paradise, where the choir of the saints, O Lord, and of the righteous shine as the stars” was greeted by a cool, leafless fall day.
Following the memorial service, the brotherhood processed to the graveside of Schemamonk John (Dezorzi), where Archimandrite Seraphim led the service for the blessing of the new monastic cemetery. The brotherhood considered this, the anniversary of their founder’s repose, a fitting day to bless the cemetery to which his remains will be transferred in December.
“Grant rest, O lord, to the soul of Thy servant; for in Thee has he placed his hope, O our Creator and Fashioner and God.”
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