August Update on the New Church

Blessing of the Church Site
In June, we announced our plans for the construction of the new church which our brotherhood so desperately needs. Since that time, with God's help we have made considerable progress towards this goal. To our great joy, last Thursday our archpastor, His Grace Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan, performed the blessing of the new temple site on the eve of the feast of our patron, the Holy Great-Martyr and Healer Panteleimon. Following the service, he gave a brief and inspiring sermon on the importance of this God-pleasing work as well as the need for all of us to pray each day for the successful completion of a new temple in which to fittingly give glory to God.
Design Planning Progresses
Several days after St. Panteleimon's Day, our designer arrived at the monastery to consult with us on his design for the new church and to resolve various remaining questions. We were extraordinarily pleased with the quality and beauty of the designs which he showed us, and we are eager to share the finalized drawings and renderings with everyone during our annual Pilgrimage Weekend at the end of September. In the meantime, please see the gallery below for several samples (please note that these are NOT final, and are subject to future revision).
Site Preparation Status
Due to the extremely rainy summer, all of our contractors have been backlogged with other work which they have been unable to complete as soon as desired. At this point, we are still planning to have all infrastructural repairs and utility line rerouting complete by the end of this year. This will put us in the position to break ground in the springtime and continue immediately with construction throughout next summer and fall.
Fundraising Needs
To date we have raised approximately $200,000 out of the $465,000 in matching funds which are available through the first week of October — our annual Pilgrimage Weekend (please note that our website currently reflects $75,000 raised, which does not include another $125,000 which has been pledged but not yet received). This puts us well on our way with a total of $400,000 donated so far, but we still need your help in order to raise the approximate $2.5 million which we are budgeting for the project. If we are able to complete the entirety of the matching funds campaign, we will have almost $1 million in the bank before construction begins next year.
Please prayerfully consider supporting this God-pleasing work, so necessary not only for our monastic brotherhood but also for the many pilgrims and visitors who take refuge here from the tumults of the world, as well as for the many monks and pilgrims of generations yet to come.
And above all, please join us in heeding the exhortation of His Grace Bishop Nicholas to frequently make the Sign of the Cross and ask the Lord to prosper this great labor, to the glory of His holy name!
Very good monks, just don’t over pay them on the church. Most of all don’t let the government tax you poor things. Make the place into a real Mount Athos type dwelling. I am curious to see your monastery still and maybe I will just bike, walk, or ride the bus all the way from FL to WV if I have too.
It is wonderful and life-giving to see this hopeful blessing. It will certainly be a blessing to the monks who live there, to Wayne County, to West Virginia, to the many hundreds of pilgrims and other visitors who come, and to the whole world. May it be blessed!
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