Sermons & Homilies

Thankfulness is not first and foremost a matter of politeness, good manners, or a social code, but a spiritual act by which we commune with God and through which God also communicates with us.
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Why have these stories been recorded? To grant us hope amidst our physical and spiritual struggles, weaknesses, passions, and sins. If our Merciful Lord sought out those who were afflicted without being directly asked, how much more will He come, in His own time, to us who seek Him out!
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St. Matthew's Gospel not only introduces its readers to Jesus Christ as the prophesied Messiah who came to save sinners, but also illustrates this through the life of the Apostle Matthew.
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We hear in today’s Gospel passage an account of two people coming to the Lord in desperation, each begging for His help in a totally hopeless situation. And it is this fact which is of the greatest importance: despite all evidence, and even in absolute defiance of simple common sense, neither of these two people despaired of the power of God to heal what no earthly skill or craft or knowledge could possibly heal.
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It is regrettable if we are unfamiliar with the saints who are significant to various peoples and places, but even doubly so if we are unfamiliar with that whole genre of writing dedicated to heralding the life and teaching of the saints of the Church, called hagiography.
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