So, I discovered the Goat Milk Oatmeal and Honey soap many, many, many years ago now. My hands and my water at home are not friends. I wash my hands many times a day, and the water here is a bit acidic, even after running it through a de-acidifier. So, the backs of my hands get a little bit dry. Sure, lotion helps, but the only actual "magical fix" that actually fights back the problem is goat milk. So, yeah, my hand soap has to have goat milk in it. The stuff works. And this soap is the very best. (I'm sure the honey is also a factor!) I have tried other goat milk soaps from elsewhere, but this one is simply the best. I will be buying this for as long as I am alive, I imagine. When you discover something great, you keep getting it.
I said I am hesitant to say this because I am afraid if too many people discover this secret, it might get harder to get my orders in. But I have faith that the monastery can help us all. :)